ProDog Goose Raw Dog Food delivers optimally balanced ratios of animal-based proteins, healthy fats and plant-powered goodness in every meal.
- 90% Goose Meat (Includes approx 10% ground goose bone & 5% goose heart and 5% goose offal)
- 8.3% Green Vegetables (Combinations vary in line with seasonal availability)
- 0.5% Kelp
- 0.5% Flaxseed Oil
- 0.5% Hemp Oil
- 0.2% Inulin (Chicory root)
Nutritional Analysis (% or / kg) –
Moisture 64.8%, Protein 16.3%, Total Fat 8.7%, Ash 6.9%, Crude Fibre 1.23%
Mineral Content
Calcium 1.85%, Phosphorus 0.94%
Good to Know
- Moisture – the natural presence found in the ingredients
- Protein – are biological molecules consisting of one or more amino acid chains
- Fat – includes all fats: saturated fats, trans fats, and the unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated
- Ash (inorganic matter) – the inorganic residue remaining after the water and organic matter have been removed. [Ash is left over after analysis of the food. We do not add fire-ash to our products]
- Fibre – the term given to the soluble and insoluble plant-based part of the food
Storage & Handling Guide
- Keep raw dog food frozen until use
- Defrost overnight in the fridge
- Do not refreeze
- Will last 4 days if kept refrigerated
- If lesser amounts are needed, allow to soften enough to segment and decant from the frozen tray. Keep remainder frozen
ProDog Goose raw dog food is a human-quality, raw meat product and should be handled observing standard hygiene rules.
- ALWAYS wash hands, utensils and surfaces after use
- ALWAYS supply clean, fresh drinking water for your dog daily